I don't know why such a behavior had been punishing me every night.
I am just a simple person who takes vitamins, sleeps, go to work and engage on a day to day activity
It has been alarming that for the past few days I cant sleep.
Could it be fate or could it be fantasy.
I have avoided thinking of things I shouldnt be thinking or taking peformance boosters like viagra (as if I was taking such medicine, hehehe)
I wonder if the coffee that I have avoided to drink for months and months now had been providing me such a side-effect.
i even have contracted the milk that I drink every night to give me good night sleep but I wont. SO here am I tonight, typing this same old crap. THIS is a litany that I have been aching to say. Oh wait, I forget did I mention that facebook has been driving me nuts because I have finished answering almost every single nonesense quiz they have on it?
Oh and I also have finished every show there is on youtube (oh that reminds me theres another show on Fred's channel )
What a sickness this is. I wished I could just take a sleeping pill and sleep and never wake up again. (Oh no, I dont wnat to do that, unless theres someone who is going to wake me up with a kiss and never ever sleep again) but then it would be agaian a problem that I could never sleep on time.
Oh I remember when I was a kid, i would never hold on to what my grandmother say when they commanded me to sleep.
They could never win against me when I dont want to sleep unless they spank me and let me kneel done on grains of salt or rice maybe. That was a painstaking method that have hunted me when I was in Grade school.
And now I have less the time in the world that i would pray on every GOd known to the world just to buy some sleep on schedule.
I wonder if I could put those things back again so that I could solve this dilemma I have tonight.
God bless all of you who could buy sleep. have a great evening! or should I say morning.
Tory call to ban use of rights act to stop deportations
50 minutes ago